Our Investment Strategy For Public Equities

Our public investing strategy employs a long-term, absolute value approach to take advantage of a recurring opportunity in the market where price dislocation is caused by strategic and operational complexity.

The Opportunity

  • Public markets compel companies to pursue strategies beyond the sustainable limits of their business model in support of high-multiple narratives
  • Stock price dislocation repeatedly occurs when growing pains and necessary operational transitions disrupt the status quo
  • Investors quickly lose patience and are unwilling to understand operational complexity or a company’s need to refocus

Our Advantage

  • Take a long-term operator approach to exploit short-term market psychology and behavior
  • Identify durable revenue and an ability to deliver sustainable customer value hidden within complex business models
  • The Core Value Assessment is our framework built from deep strategic and operational experience that is the cornerstone of our ability to see through complexity and noise
  • Our team and advisors have exceptional domain expertise